Sunday, July 31, 2011

Monday, July 25, 2011

Sunday, July 24, 2011


今天早上翻开老爸给我的信,几乎是每天一封。 他怎么能对我那么好呢? 即使多年不见面,打电话的时候还是瞬间可以猜到我的心思,真是神哪。。。年初和家里闹翻了,这是第一次我们对未来的方向没有一致的想法。我知道他是出于一种保护意识,但是我生来可能就是一个斗士,像他一样。


今天去练球,看到教练Sean正在教一个小孩,但是一点也不像上课,完全是在玩。小朋友每打中一个球,教练比小孩还开心,还和小孩来high five. 小朋友可开心了,大叫一旁的老爸," Dad. See? Oh, you missed seeing my shot. It's cool." 惹得一旁的大人(包括我)都莫名的开心。以前一直拒绝学高尔夫的我,总觉得嫌它慢,是谈生意的人摆摆样子的。可是现在我觉得打球的时候才是我最放松的时候,而且这项运动很锻炼耐心和坚持力。难的不在于打一个好球,而在于不打一个坏球。

Boring...I am now in the office...I guess I need an interactive robot to accompany me...I feel lonely so easily...

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Friday, July 22, 2011



Thursday, July 21, 2011



Sunday, July 17, 2011

Saturday, July 16, 2011


Alexis de Tolqueville (1805-1859)
Visited America 1831-1832 (9 months)
Democracy in America: Wold I (published in 1835); vol II (published in 1840)

Astolphe Louis Lednor - (Harquis de Custine 1790 - 1857)
Visited Russia July - September 1839 (2.5 months)
Russia in 1839: Four volumes published in 1843
I always don't understand why people use drugs that take away their lives and bring so much suffering. Why can't people focus on more interesting things in their lives and take on their responsibilities? I guess that I can never figure it out.

Mexico is a promising emerging market. But drugs an violence bring so much uncertainty to the country.

West Africa has great agriculture resources (60% of the total revenue), oil and other natural resources. The land degradation will hamper the sustainable growth.
West Africa is a region with great resources but there are many bad governments that damage their economy.

Friday, July 15, 2011


Today, the CEO and CFO of the company I covered both resigned. 这这这。。。是什么情况?

一个人运动的时候,脑子会想一些平时没时间想的事情。 今天在游泳池边,我想了很多关于未来的事情, 未来是不确定的,有无限多的如果。可以当你对可能发生的不幸做好思想准备的时候,你就不会被吓到。即使你没有遇到这些不幸的事, 你也不会把它当成理所当然。 你会懂得珍惜生活, 因为这是老天对你的恩赐。以下是我所想到的如果。

如果有一天我失明而无法看到缤纷的世界,我会努力去成为一个作曲家。 我要创作让人们和自己快乐的音乐。
如果有一天我注定要单身,我会去EarthWatch做志愿者,到世界各地参加改善环境的项目,同时有机会可以和不同的人交流, 我会让自己的生活充实而不孤单。
如果有一天因为能力所致我无法实现自己的梦想, 我还是会做好手头的事,并且重新定位。
如果有一天我的感情改变了。 我会坦言,然后离开。
如果有一天我可以幸运的有一笔小财富, 我想在中国开一家价格中等,适合大众,健康,有创意的fusion restaurant。

好了, 要去睡觉了。 晚安,傻瓜。

Thursday, July 14, 2011


Why the two analysts both visiting the same plants of the same company have opposite views of the company?
Why companies with RTO background always have accounting issues?
Correct judgement is based on close monitoring and good understanding of the company on a daily basis.
How to be sensitive to news?

Monday, July 11, 2011


Today is my first day.

The first person that greeted me is the receptionist Ben. I know he likes me especially like my story of spending a whole day catching one crab.I can see something shining in his eyes when he saw me. But he can never remember my name. "Too many people come and go". That's always his excuse.I don't mind.

Then I saw my boss, a serious-looking middle-aged man. I like him because he is a nice guy. I don't like him because he doesn't seem to be a creative and curious person.

The third person I met is one of my interviewers. "It's my first day." I smiled. "Welcome!", he said,"Actually I am leaving." I showed surprise on my face but inside I know it's so common in this industry. Good luck, man! We will meet again someday.

Sunday, July 10, 2011


这几天我好像陷入了一种难以判断的境地。我希望自己可以变得勇敢一点,或者说是像旁观者一样的来处理事情。但同时我又很清楚地知道这只是一种逃避,是一种内心胆怯的表现。我到底该怎么办? 这个问题时不时地出现我的眼前。我的IQ和EQ都去哪了?真是个大白痴!!!

如果是我多虑了,请让我回到我的世界。 如果是我判断正确的话,请给我一次机会。